New Zealand Dollar Exchange Rate - NZD

The New Zealand Dollar exchange rate will fluctuate and getting the best deal when converting your money into dollars to spend on your holiday can make a big difference.

New Zealand Dollar Notes Currency

Exchanging other currencies into New Zealand dollars, NZD, is straightforward and can be exchanged at banks ATM’s attached to most branches throughout New Zealand. Bureau de Change outlets in towns and cities or in airports can also be used to exchange currencies.

Exchange Rate

NZD exchange rate fluctuation means you can get a bargain holiday or end up with a more expensive trip.

The rate can also change while you are on holiday in New Zealand.

Exchange facilities are widely available for getting New Zealand currency while you are travelling round so it is easy to obtain cash from banks and ATM services (ATM's are widespread).

All the major banks such as Bank of New Zealand, ANZ, Westpac and ASB, have 24-hour ATM's attached to their branches throughout both islands.

Exchange rates will vary in your home country and while in NZ. Do be aware that exchange rates can vary and that you may sometimes be charged an additional handling fee. It is a good idea to ask if charges exist before making the transaction.

If you visit The Reserve Bank of New Zealand web site you'll find it provides a monthly online summary of the NZD and its average value against, the Great British Pound (GBP), the US Dollar (USD), and the Australian Dollar (AUD), and other currencies such as the Euro and the Yen.

Bank Opening Hours

Banks open during the week, Monday to Friday, between the hours of 9.30am and 4.30pm.


For currency information please visit New Zealand Currency


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